
59 lines
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// RMAC - Reboot's Macro Assembler for all Atari computers
// SYMBOL.H - Symbol Handling
// Copyright (C) 199x Landon Dyer, 2011-2020 Reboot and Friends
// RMAC derived from MADMAC v1.07 Written by Landon Dyer, 1986
// Source utilised with the kind permission of Landon Dyer
#ifndef __SYMBOL_H__
#define __SYMBOL_H__
#include <inttypes.h>
// Line lists
#define LLIST struct _llist
LLIST * next;
uint8_t * line;
int lineno;
// Symbols
#define SYM struct _sym
SYM * snext; // * -> Next symbol on hash-chain
SYM * sorder; // * -> Next sym in order of reference
SYM * sdecl; // * -> Next sym in order of declaration
uint8_t stype; // Symbol type
uint16_t sattr; // Attribute bits
uint32_t sattre; // Extended attribute bits
uint16_t senv; // Enviroment number
uint64_t svalue; // Symbol value (now 64-bit)
uint8_t * sname; // * -> Symbol's print-name
LLIST * lineList; // * -> Macro's linked list of lines
LLIST * last; // * -> end of macro linked list
uint32_t uid; // Symbol's unique ID
// Exported variables
extern int curenv;
extern uint32_t firstglobal;// Index of the fist global symbol in an ELF object.
// Exported functions
SYM * lookup(uint8_t *, int, int);
void InitSymbolTable(void);
SYM * NewSymbol(uint8_t *, int, int);
void AddToSymbolDeclarationList(SYM *);
void ForceUndefinedSymbolsGlobal(void);
int symtable(void);
uint32_t sy_assign(uint8_t *, uint8_t *(*)());
uint32_t sy_assign_ELF(uint8_t *, uint8_t *(*)());
void DumpLODSymbols(void);
uint8_t * GetSymbolNameByUID(uint32_t);
#endif // __SYMBOL_H__