
681 lines
16 KiB

// RMAC - Renamed Macro Assembler for all Atari computers
// SYMBOL.C - Symbol Handling
// Copyright (C) 199x Landon Dyer, 2011-2022 Reboot and Friends
// RMAC derived from MADMAC v1.07 Written by Landon Dyer, 1986
// Source utilised with the kind permission of Landon Dyer
#include "symbol.h"
#include "dsp56k.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "listing.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "procln.h"
// Macros
#define NBUCKETS 256 // Number of hash buckets (power of 2)
static SYM * symbolTable[NBUCKETS]; // User symbol-table header
int curenv; // Current enviroment number
static SYM * sorder; // * -> Symbols, in order of reference
static SYM * sordtail; // * -> Last symbol in sorder list
static SYM * sdecl; // * -> Symbols, in order of declaration
static SYM * sdecltail; // * -> Last symbol in sdecl list
static uint32_t currentUID; // Symbol UID tracking (done by NewSymbol())
uint32_t firstglobal; // Index of the first global symbol in an ELF object.
// Tags for marking symbol spaces:
// a = absolute
// t = text
// d = data
// ! = "impossible!"
// b = BSS
static uint8_t tdb_text[8] = {
'a', 't', 'd', '!', 'b', SPACE, SPACE, SPACE
// Internal function prototypes
static uint16_t WriteLODSection(int, uint16_t);
// Initialize symbol table
void InitSymbolTable(void)
for(int i=0; i<NBUCKETS; i++) // Initialise symbol hash table
symbolTable[i] = NULL;
curenv = 1; // Init local symbol enviroment
sorder = NULL; // Init symbol-reference list
sordtail = NULL;
sdecl = NULL; // Init symbol-decl list
sdecltail = NULL;
currentUID = 0;
// Hash the ASCII name and enviroment number
int HashSymbol(const uint8_t * name, int envno)
int sum = envno, k = 0;
for(; *name; name++)
if (k++ == 1)
sum += *name << 2;
sum += *name;
return sum & (NBUCKETS - 1);
// Make a new symbol of type 'type' in enviroment 'envno'
SYM * NewSymbol(const uint8_t * name, int type, int envno)
// Allocate the symbol
SYM * symbol = malloc(sizeof(SYM));
if (symbol == NULL)
printf("NewSymbol: MALLOC ERROR (symbol=\"%s\")\n", name);
return NULL;
// Fill-in the symbol
symbol->sname = name ? strdup(name) : NULL;
symbol->stype = (uint8_t)type;
symbol->senv = (uint16_t)envno;
// We don't set this as DEFINED, as it could be a forward reference!
symbol->sattr = 0;
// We don't set RISCSYM here as not every symbol first seen in a RISC
// section is a RISC symbol!
symbol->sattre = 0;
symbol->svalue = 0;
symbol->sorder = NULL;
symbol->uid = currentUID++;
// We don't set st_type, st_desc, or st_other here because they are only
// used by stabs debug symbols, which are always initialized by
// NewDebugSymbol(), which always sets these fields. Hence, initializing
// them here would be redundant.
// Record filename the symbol is defined (Used by macro error reporting and some debug symbols)
symbol->cfileno = cfileno;
// Don't hash debug symbols: they are never looked up and may have no name.
if (type != DBGSYM)
// Install symbol in the symbol table
int hash = HashSymbol(name, envno);
symbol->snext = symbolTable[hash];
symbolTable[hash] = symbol;
// Append symbol to the symbol-order list
if (sorder == NULL)
sorder = symbol; // Add first symbol
sordtail->sorder = symbol; // Or append to tail of list
sordtail = symbol;
return symbol;
// Look up the symbol name by its UID and return the pointer to the name.
// If it's not found, return NULL.
uint8_t * GetSymbolNameByUID(uint32_t uid)
//problem is with string lookup, that's why we're writing this
//so once this is written, we can put the uid in the token stream
// A much better approach to the symbol order list would be to make an
// array--that way you can do away with the UIDs and all the rest, and
// simply do an array lookup based on position. But meh, let's do this for
// now until we can rewrite things so they make sense.
SYM * symbol = sorder;
for(; symbol; symbol=symbol->sorder)
if (symbol->uid == uid)
return symbol->sname;
return NULL;
// Lookup the symbol 'name', of the specified type, with the specified
// enviroment level
SYM * lookup(uint8_t * name, int type, int envno)
SYM * symbol = symbolTable[HashSymbol(name, envno)];
// Do linear-search for symbol in bucket
while (symbol != NULL)
if (symbol->stype == type // Type, envno and name must match
&& symbol->senv == envno
&& *name == *symbol->sname // Fast check for first character
&& !strcmp(name, symbol->sname)) // More expensive check
symbol = symbol->snext;
// Return NULL or matching symbol
return symbol;
// Put symbol on "order-of-declaration" list of symbols
void AddToSymbolDeclarationList(SYM * symbol)
// Don't add if already on list, or it's an equated register/CC
if ((symbol->sattr & SDECLLIST)
|| (symbol->sattre & (EQUATEDREG | UNDEF_EQUR | EQUATEDCC | UNDEF_CC)))
// Mark as "on .sdecl list"
symbol->sattr |= SDECLLIST;
if (sdecl == NULL)
sdecl = symbol; // First on decl-list
sdecltail->sdecl = symbol; // Add to end of list
// Fix up list's tail
symbol->sdecl = NULL;
sdecltail = symbol;
// Make all referenced, undefined symbols global
void ForceUndefinedSymbolsGlobal(void)
SYM * sy;
DEBUG printf("~ForceUndefinedSymbolsGlobal()\n");
// Scan through all symbols; if a symbol is REFERENCED but not DEFINED,
// then make it global.
for(sy=sorder; sy!=NULL; sy=sy->sorder)
if (sy->stype == LABEL && sy->senv == 0
&& ((sy->sattr & (REFERENCED | DEFINED)) == REFERENCED))
sy->sattr |= GLOBAL;
// Assign numbers to symbols that are to be exported or imported. The symbol
// number is put in 'senv'. Returns the number of symbols that will be in the
// symbol table.
// N.B.: This is usually called twice; first time with NULL parameters and the
// second time with real ones. The first one is typically done to get a
// count of the # of symbols in the symbol table, and the second is to
// actually create it.
uint32_t AssignSymbolNos(uint8_t * buf, uint8_t *(* construct)())
uint16_t scount = 0;
// Done only on first pass...
if (buf == NULL)
// Append all symbols not appearing on the .sdecl list to the end of
// the .sdecl list
for(SYM * sy=sorder; sy!=NULL; sy=sy->sorder)
// Run through all symbols (now on the .sdecl list) and assign numbers to
// them. We also pick which symbols should be global or not here.
for(SYM * sy=sdecl; sy!=NULL; sy=sy->sdecl)
// Always export debug symbols. Don't force them global.
if (DBGSYM == sy->stype) {
sy->senv = scount++;
if (buf != NULL)
buf = construct(buf, sy, 0);
// Skip non-labels.
if (sy->stype != LABEL)
// Nuke equated register/CC symbols from orbit:
// Export or import external references, and export COMMON blocks.
// N.B.: This says to mark the symbol as global if either 1) the symbol
// is global AND the symbol is defined OR referenced, or 2) this
// symbol is a common symbol.
if (((sy->sattr & GLOBAL) && (sy->sattr & (DEFINED | REFERENCED)))
|| (sy->sattr & COMMON))
sy->senv = scount++;
if (buf != NULL)
buf = construct(buf, sy, 1);
// Export vanilla labels (but don't make them global). An exception is
// made for equates, which are not exported unless they are referenced.
// ^^^ The above just might be bullshit. ^^^
// N.B.: This says if the symbol is either defined OR referenced (but
// because of the above we know it *won't* be GLOBAL). And
// lsym_flag is always set true in Process() in rmac.c.
else if (lsym_flag && (sy->sattr & (DEFINED | REFERENCED)))
sy->senv = scount++;
if (buf != NULL)
buf = construct(buf, sy, 0);
return scount;
// Custom version of AssignSymbolNos for ELF .o files.
// The order that the symbols should be dumped is different.
// (globals must be explicitly at the end of the table)
// N.B.: It should be possible to merge this with AssignSymbolNos, as there's
// nothing really ELF specific in here, other than the "globals go at the
// end of the queue" thing, which doesn't break the others. :-P
uint32_t AssignSymbolNosELF(uint8_t * buf, uint8_t *(* construct)())
uint16_t scount = 0;
// Append all symbols not appearing on the .sdecl list to the end of
// the .sdecl list
for(SYM * sy=sorder; sy!=NULL; sy=sy->sorder)
// Run through all symbols (now on the .sdecl list) and assign numbers to
// them. We also pick which symbols should be global or not here.
for(SYM * sy=sdecl; sy!=NULL; sy=sy->sdecl)
// Export vanilla labels (but don't make them global). An exception is
// made for equates, which are not exported unless they are referenced.
if (sy->stype == LABEL && lsym_flag
&& (sy->sattr & (DEFINED | REFERENCED)) != 0
&& (*sy->sname != '.')
&& (sy->sattr & GLOBAL) == 0
&& (sy->sattre & (EQUATEDREG | UNDEF_EQUR | EQUATEDCC | UNDEF_CC)) == 0)
sy->senv = scount++;
if (buf != NULL)
buf = construct(buf, sy, 0);
firstglobal = scount;
// For ELF object mode run through all symbols in reference order
// and export all global-referenced labels. Not sure if this is
// required but it's here nonetheless
for(SYM * sy=sdecl; sy!=NULL; sy=sy->sdecl)
if ((sy->stype == LABEL)
&& (sy->sattre & (EQUATEDREG | UNDEF_EQUR | EQUATEDCC | UNDEF_CC)) == 0
&& ((sy->sattr & (GLOBAL | DEFINED)) == (GLOBAL | DEFINED)
|| (sy->sattr & (GLOBAL | REFERENCED)) == (GLOBAL | REFERENCED))
|| (sy->sattr & COMMON))
sy->senv = scount++;
if (buf != NULL)
buf = construct(buf, sy, 1);
else if ((sy->sattr == (GLOBAL | REFERENCED)) && (buf != NULL) && (sy->sattre & (EQUATEDREG | UNDEF_EQUR | EQUATEDCC | UNDEF_CC)) == 0)
buf = construct(buf, sy, 0); // <-- this creates a NON-global symbol...
return scount;
// Helper function for dsp_lod_symbols
static uint16_t WriteLODSection(int section, uint16_t symbolCount)
for(SYM * sy=sdecl; sy!=NULL; sy=sy->sdecl)
// Export vanilla labels (but don't make them global). An exception is
// made for equates, which are not exported unless they are referenced.
if (sy->stype == LABEL && lsym_flag
&& (sy->sattr & (DEFINED | REFERENCED)) != 0
&& (*sy->sname != '.')
&& (sy->sattr & GLOBAL) == 0
&& (sy->sattr & (section)))
sy->senv = symbolCount++;
D_printf("%-19s I %.6" PRIX64 "\n", sy->sname, sy->svalue);
return symbolCount;
// Dump LOD style symbols into the passed in buffer
void DumpLODSymbols(void)
D_printf("_SYMBOL P\n");
uint16_t count = WriteLODSection(M56001P, 0);
D_printf("_SYMBOL X\n");
count = WriteLODSection(M56001X, count);
D_printf("_SYMBOL Y\n");
count = WriteLODSection(M56001Y, count);
D_printf("_SYMBOL L\n");
count = WriteLODSection(M56001L, count);
// TODO: I've seen _SYMBOL N in there but no idea what symbols it needs...
//D_printf("_SYMBOL N\n");
//WriteLODSection(M56001?, count);
// Convert string to uppercase
void ToUppercase(uint8_t * s)
for(; *s; s++)
if (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z')
*s -= 0x20;
// Generate symbol table for listing file
int symtable(void)
int i;
int j;
SYM * q = NULL;
SYM * p;
SYM * r;
SYM * k;
SYM * colptr[4];
char ln[1024];
char ln1[1024];
char ln2[20];
char c, c1;
int ww;
int colhei = pagelen - 5;
// Allocate storage for list headers and partition all labels. Throw away
// macros and macro arguments.
SYM ** sy = (SYM **)malloc(128 * sizeof(SYM **));
for(i=0; i<128; i++)
sy[i] = NULL;
for(i=0; i<NBUCKETS; i++)
for(p=symbolTable[i]; p!=NULL; p=k)
k = p->snext;
j = *p->sname;
r = NULL;
// Ignore non-labels
if ((p->stype != LABEL) || (p->sattre & UNDEF_EQUR))
for(q=sy[j]; q!=NULL; q=q->snext)
if (strcmp(p->sname, q->sname) < 0)
r = q;
if (r == NULL)
// Insert at front of list
p->snext = sy[j];
sy[j] = p;
// Insert in middle or append to list
p->snext = r->snext;
r->snext = p;
// Link all symbols onto one list again
p = NULL;
for(i=0; i<128; ++i)
if ((r = sy[i]) != NULL)
if (p == NULL)
q = r;
q->snext = r;
while (q->snext != NULL)
q = q->snext;
if (p == NULL)
p = r;
strcpy(subttl, "Symbol Table");
while (p != NULL)
for(i=0; i<4; i++)
colptr[i] = p;
for(j=0; j<colhei; j++)
if (p == NULL)
p = p->snext;
for(i=0; i<colhei; i++)
*ln = EOS;
if (colptr[0] == NULL)
for(j=0; j<4; j++)
if ((q = colptr[j]) == NULL)
colptr[j] = q->snext;
w = q->sattr;
ww = q->sattre;
// Pick a tag:
// c common
// x external reference
// g global (export)
// space nothing special
c1 = SPACE;
c = SPACE;
if (w & COMMON)
c = 'c';
else if ((w & (DEFINED | GLOBAL)) == GLOBAL)
c = 'x';
else if (w & GLOBAL)
c = 'g';
c1 = tdb_text[w & TDB];
if (c == 'x')
strcpy(ln2, "external");
sprintf(ln2, "%016lX", q->svalue);
sprintf(ln1, " %16s %s %c%c%c", q->sname, ln2, (ww & EQUATEDREG) ? 'e' : SPACE, c1, c);
strcat(ln, ln1);
return 0;
SYM * NewDebugSymbol(const uint8_t * str, uint8_t type, uint8_t other, uint16_t desc)
SYM * symbol = NewSymbol(str, DBGSYM, 0);
if (NULL == symbol)
fatal("Could not allocate space for debug symbol");
symbol->st_type = type;
symbol->st_other = other;
symbol->st_desc = desc;
return symbol;
char *FilePath(const char * fname)
char buf1[256];
char * fpath;
int i, j;
if ((fpath = realpath(fname, NULL)) != NULL)
return fpath;
for(i=0; nthpath("RMACPATH", i, buf1)!=0; i++)
j = strlen(buf1);
// Append path char if necessary
if (j > 0 && buf1[j - 1] != SLASHCHAR)
strcat(buf1, SLASHSTRING);
strcat(buf1, fname);
if ((fpath = realpath(buf1, NULL)) != NULL)
return fpath;
return NULL;
static void GenFileSym(const char * fname, uint8_t type, uint32_t addr, uint32_t sattr)
char *fpath;
if (!(fpath = FilePath(fname)))
// Don't treat this as an error. Any file rmac can read is valid enough.
// Just use the relative filename in place of an absolute path for the
// debug information.
fpath = strdup(fname);
if (!fpath)
fatal("Could not allocate memory for fake path name");
SYM * symbol = NewDebugSymbol(fpath, type, 0, 0);
symbol->svalue = addr;
symbol->sattr |= sattr;
void GenMainFileSym(const char * fname)
GenFileSym(fname, 0x64 /* N_SO */, 0, DEFINED | TEXT);
void GenLineNoSym(void)
uint32_t addr;
uint32_t sattr;
uint8_t type;
SYM * symbol;
static uint16_t prevlineno = -1;
static uint32_t prevaddr = -1;
static uint16_t prevfileno = 0;
if (orgactive)
addr = orgaddr;
// 0x4c is N_FLINE, function start/body/end line number, repurposed by
// MADMAC/ALN for ABS line numbers.
type = 0x4c;
addr = pcloc;
sattr = DEFINED | cursect;
type = 0x44; // N_SLINE, text section line number
if ((addr == prevaddr) || ((curlineno == prevlineno) && (prevfileno == cfileno)))
prevaddr = addr;
prevlineno = curlineno;
if (prevfileno != cfileno)
GenFileSym(curfname, 0x84 /* N_SOL */, addr, sattr);
prevfileno = cfileno;
/* MADMAC counts lines starting at 0. Offset curlineno accordingly */
symbol = NewDebugSymbol(NULL, type, 0, curlineno - 1);
symbol->svalue = addr;
symbol->sattr |= sattr;