
215 lines
8.1 KiB

// RMAC - Renamed Macro Assembler for all Atari computers
// SECT.H - Code Generation, Fixups and Section Management
// Copyright (C) 199x Landon Dyer, 2011-2021 Reboot and Friends
// RMAC derived from MADMAC v1.07 Written by Landon Dyer, 1986
// Source utilized with the kind permission of Landon Dyer
#ifndef __SECT_H__
#define __SECT_H__
#include "rmac.h"
#include "riscasm.h"
// Macros to deposit code in the current section (in Big Endian)
#define D_byte(b) {chcheck(1);*chptr++=(uint8_t)(b); sloc++; ch_size++; \
if(orgactive) orgaddr++;}
#define D_word(w) {chcheck(2);*chptr++=(uint8_t)((w)>>8); \
*chptr++=(uint8_t)(w); \
sloc += 2; ch_size += 2; if(orgactive) orgaddr += 2;}
#define D_long(lw) {chcheck(4);*chptr++=(uint8_t)((lw)>>24); \
*chptr++=(uint8_t)((lw)>>8); \
*chptr++=(uint8_t)(lw); \
sloc += 4; ch_size += 4; if(orgactive) orgaddr += 4;}
#define D_quad(qw) {chcheck(8);*chptr++=(uint8_t)((qw)>>56); \
*chptr++=(uint8_t)((qw)>>8); \
*chptr++=(uint8_t)(qw); \
sloc += 8; ch_size += 8; if(orgactive) orgaddr += 8;}
// D_rword deposits a "6502" format (low, high) word (01).
#define D_rword(w) {chcheck(2);*chptr++=(uint8_t)(w); \
*chptr++=(uint8_t)((w)>>8); \
sloc+=2; ch_size+=2;if(orgactive) orgaddr += 2;}
// Macro for the 56001. Word size on this device is 24 bits wide. I hope that
// orgaddr += 1 means that the addresses in the device reflect this. [A: Yes.]
#define D_dsp(w) {chcheck(3);*chptr++=(uint8_t)(w>>16); \
*chptr++=(uint8_t)(w>>8); *chptr++=(uint8_t)w; \
sloc+=1; ch_size += 3; if(orgactive) orgaddr += 1; \
// This macro expects to get an array of uint8_ts with the hi bits in a[0] and
// the low bits in a[11] (Big Endian).
#define D_extend(a) {chcheck(12); memcpy(chptr, a, 12); chptr+=12; sloc+=12, \
ch_size+=12; if (orgactive) orgaddr+=12;}
// Fill n bytes with zeroes
#define D_ZEROFILL(n) {chcheck(n); memset(chptr, 0, n); chptr+=n; sloc+=n; \
ch_size+=n; if (orgactive) orgaddr+=n;}
//OK, this is bad, mmkay? The constants defined in rmac.h are used as indices into an array which means that this was never meant to be defined this way--at least if it was, it was a compromise that has come home to bite us all in the ass. !!! FIX !!!
//#define NSECTS 16 // Max. number of sections
#define NSECTS 256 // Max. number of sections
// Tunable (storage) definitions
#define CH_THRESHOLD 32 // Minimum amount of space in code chunk
#define CH_CODE_SIZE 4096 // Code chunk normal allocation (4K)
// Section attributes (.scattr)
#define SUSED 0x8000 // Section is used (really, valid)
#define SBSS 0x4000 // Section can contain no data
#define SABS 0x2000 // Section is absolute
#define SPIC 0x1000 // Section is position-independent code
// FIXUP attributes
#define FUMASK 0x000F // Mask for fixup cases:
#define FU_QUICK 0x0000 // Fixup 3-bit quick instruction field
#define FU_BYTE 0x0001 // Fixup byte
#define FU_WORD 0x0002 // Fixup word
#define FU_WBYTE 0x0003 // Fixup byte (at loc+1)
#define FU_LONG 0x0004 // Fixup long
#define FU_BBRA 0x0005 // Fixup byte branch
#define FU_6BRA 0x0007 // Fixup 6502-format branch offset
#define FU_BYTEH 0x0008 // Fixup 6502 high byte of immediate word
#define FU_BYTEL 0x0009 // Fixup 6502 low byte of immediate word
#define FU_QUAD 0x000A // Fixup quad-word (8 bytes, typically OP)
#define FU_56001 0x000B // Fixup code for all 56001 modes
#define FU_SEXT 0x0010 // Ok to sign extend
#define FU_PCREL 0x0020 // Subtract PC first
#define FU_PCRELX 0x1000000 // 030 variant
#define FU_EXPR 0x0040 // Expression (not symbol) follows
#define FU_GLOBAL 0x0080 // Mark global symbol
#define FUMASKRISC 0x0F00 // Mask for RISC fixup cases
#define FU_MOVEI 0x0100
#define FU_JR 0x0200
#define FU_REGONE 0x0400
#define FU_NUM15 0x0500
#define FU_NUM31 0x0600
#define FU_NUM32 0x0700
#define FU_REGTWO 0x0800
#define FU_SUB32 0x1000
#define FU_ISBRA 0x2000 // Word forward fixup is a BRA or DBRA
#define FU_LBRA 0x4000 // Long branch, for short branch detect
#define FU_DONE 0x8000 // Fixup has been done
// FPU fixups
#define FU_FLOATSING 0x000D // Fixup 32-bit float
#define FU_FLOATDOUB 0x000E // Fixup 64-bit float
#define FU_FLOATEXT 0x000F // Fixup 96-bit float
// OP fixups
#define FU_OBJLINK 0x10000 // Fixup OL link addr (bits 24-42, drop last 3)
#define FU_OBJDATA 0x20000 // Fixup OL data addr (bits 43-63, drop last 3)
// DSP56001 fixups
#define FUMASKDSP 0xF00000 // Mask for DSP56001 fuckups^Wfixups
#define FU_DSPIMM5 0x100000 // Fixup 5-bit immediate
#define FU_DSPADR12 0x200000 // Fixup 12-bit address
#define FU_DSPADR24 0x300000 // Fixup 24-bit address
#define FU_DSPADR16 0x400000 // Fixup 16-bit address
#define FU_DSPIMM12 0x500000 // Fixup 12-bit immediate
#define FU_DSPIMM24 0x600000 // Fixup 24-bit immediate
#define FU_DSPIMM8 0x700000 // Fixup 8-bit immediate
#define FU_DSPADR06 0x800000 // Fixup 6-bit address
#define FU_DSPPP06 0x900000 // Fixup 6 bit pp address
#define FU_DSPIMMFL8 0xA00000 // Fixup 8-bit immediate float
#define FU_DSPIMMFL16 0xB00000 // Fixup 16-bit immediate float
#define FU_DSPIMMFL24 0xC00000 // Fixup 24-bit immediate float
// Chunks are used to hold generated code and fixup records
#define CHUNK struct _chunk
CHUNK * chnext; // Next, previous chunks in section
CHUNK * chprev;
uint32_t chloc; // Base addr of this chunk
uint32_t challoc; // # bytes allocated for chunk
uint32_t ch_size; // # bytes chunk actually uses
uint8_t * chptr; // Data for this chunk
// Fixup records can also hold an expression (if any)
#define FIXUP struct _fixup
FIXUP * next; // Pointer to next FIXUP
uint32_t attr; // Fixup type
uint32_t loc; // Location in section
uint16_t fileno; // ID of current file
uint32_t lineno; // Current line
TOKEN * expr; // Pointer to stored expression (if any)
SYM * symbol; // Pointer to symbol (if any)
uint32_t orgaddr; // Fixup origin address (used for FU_JR)
// Section descriptor
#define SECT struct _sect
uint16_t scattr; // Section attributes
uint32_t sloc; // Current loc-in / size-of section
uint32_t relocs; // # of relocations for this section
uint32_t orgaddr; // Current org'd address ***NEW***
CHUNK * sfcode; // First chunk in section
CHUNK * scode; // Last chunk in section
FIXUP * sffix; // First fixup
FIXUP * sfix; // Last fixup ***NEW***
// 680x0 defines
#define CPU_68000 1
#define CPU_68020 2
#define CPU_68030 4
#define CPU_68040 8
#define CPU_68060 16
#define FPU_NONE 0
#define FPU_68881 1
#define FPU_68882 2
#define FPU_68040 4
#define FPU_68060 8
// Helper macros to test for active CPU
#define CHECK00 if (activecpu == CPU_68000) return error(unsupport)
#define CHECK20 if (activecpu == CPU_68020) return error(unsupport)
#define CHECK30 if (activecpu == CPU_68030) return error(unsupport)
#define CHECK40 if (activecpu == CPU_68040) return error(unsupport)
#define CHECK60 if (activecpu == CPU_68060) return error(unsupport)
#define CHECKNO00 if (activecpu != CPU_68000) return error(unsupport)
#define CHECKNO20 if (activecpu != CPU_68020) return error(unsupport)
#define CHECKNO30 if (activecpu != CPU_68030) return error(unsupport)
#define CHECKNO40 if (activecpu != CPU_68040) return error(unsupport)
#define CHECKNO60 if (activecpu != CPU_68060) return error(unsupport)
#define CHECKNOFPU if (!activefpu) return error(unsupport)
// Globals, external etc
extern uint32_t sloc;
extern uint16_t scattr;
extern uint8_t * chptr;
extern uint8_t * chptr_opcode;
extern uint32_t ch_size;
extern int cursect;
extern SECT sect[];
extern uint32_t challoc;
extern CHUNK * scode;
// Prototypes
void InitSection(void);
void SwitchSection(int);
void SaveSection(void);
int fixtest(int, uint32_t);
void chcheck(uint32_t);
int AddFixup(uint32_t, uint32_t, TOKEN *);
int ResolveAllFixups(void);
#endif // __SECT_H__