
1051 lines
29 KiB

// RMAC - Renamed Macro Assembler for all Atari computers
// OBJECT.C - Writing Object Files
// Copyright (C) 199x Landon Dyer, 2011-2022 Reboot and Friends
// RMAC derived from MADMAC v1.07 Written by Landon Dyer, 1986
// Source utilised with the kind permission of Landon Dyer
#include "object.h"
#include "6502.h"
#include "direct.h"
#include "dsp56k.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "mark.h"
#include "riscasm.h"
#include "sect.h"
#include "symbol.h"
#include "version.h"
//#define DEBUG_ELF
uint32_t symsize = 0; // Size of BSD/ELF symbol table
uint32_t strindx = 0x00000004; // BSD/ELF string table index
uint8_t * strtable; // Pointer to the symbol string table
uint8_t * objImage; // Global object image pointer
int elfHdrNum[9] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
uint32_t extraSyms;
static uint16_t tdb_tab[] = {
0, // absolute
AL_TEXT, // TEXT segment based
AL_DATA, 0, // DATA segment based
AL_BSS // BSS segment based
uint32_t PRGFLAGS; /* PRGFLAGS as defined in Atari Compendium Chapter 2
Definition Bit(s) Meaning
--------------- ------- --------------------------------------------------------
PF_FASTLOAD 0 If set, clear only the BSS area on program load,
otherwise clear the entire heap.
PF_TTRAMLOAD 1 If set, the program may be loaded into alternative RAM,
otherwise it must be loaded into standard RAM.
PF_TTRAMMEM 2 If set, the program's Malloc() requests may be satisfied
from alternative RAM, otherwise they must be satisfied
from standard RAM.
- 3 Currently unused
See left. 4 & 5 If these bits are set to 0 (PF_PRIVATE), the processes'
entire memory space will be considered private
(when memory protection is enabled).If these bits are
set to 1 (PF_GLOBAL), the processes' entire memory space
will be readable and writable by any process (i.e.
global). If these bits are set to 2 (PF_SUPERVISOR), the
processes' entire memory space will only be readable and
writable by itself and any other process in supervisor
mode.If these bits are set to 3 (PF_READABLE), the
processes' entire memory space will be readable by any
application but only writable by itself.
- 6-15 Currently unused
// Internal function prototypes
static void WriteLOD(void);
static void WriteP56(void);
// Add entry to symbol table (in ALCYON mode)
// If 'globflag' is 1, make the symbol global
// If in .PRG mode, adjust symbol values for fake link
uint8_t * AddSymEntry(register uint8_t * buf, SYM * sym, int globflag)
// Copy symbol name to buffer (first 8 chars or less)
register uint8_t * s = sym->sname;
register int i;
uint32_t extra = 0;
for(i=0; i<8 && *s; i++)
*buf++ = *s++;
while (i++ < 8)
*buf++ = '\0';
register uint16_t w1 = sym->sattr;
register uint16_t w = AL_DEFINED | tdb_tab[w1 & TDB];
if (prg_flag == 3)
// Extended symbol - Check to see if symbol is larger than 8 characters
// and write an extra 14 characters where the next symbol would be.
// Modify the flag word for this
if (*s)
//printf("%s '%i' - will write extended symbol\n", sym->sname,s[0]);
uint8_t *buf2 = buf + 6;
for(i=8; i<8+14 && *s; i++)
*buf2++ = *s++;
while (i++ < 8 + 14)
*buf2++ = '\0';
symsize += 14;
w |= 0x48;
extra = 14;
// Construct and deposit flag word
// o all symbols are AL_DEFINED
// o install T/D/B/A base
// o install 'equated'
// o commons (COMMON) are AL_EXTERN, but not BSS
// o exports (DEFINED) are AL_GLOBAL
// o imports (~DEFINED) are AL_EXTERN
if (w1 & EQUATED) // Equated
if (w1 & COMMON)
w |= AL_EXTERN | AL_GLOBAL; // Common symbol
w &= ~AL_BSS; // They're not BSS in Alcyon object files
if (w1 & DEFINED)
if (globflag) // Export the symbol
w |= AL_EXTERN; // Imported symbol
SETBE16(buf, 0, w);
buf += 2;
register uint32_t z = (uint32_t)sym->svalue;
if (prg_flag) // Relocate value in .PRG segment
w1 &= DATA | BSS;
if (w1)
z += sect[TEXT].sloc;
if (w1 & BSS)
z += sect[DATA].sloc;
SETBE32(buf, 0, z); // Deposit symbol value
buf += 4;
symsize += 14;
buf += extra;
return buf;
// Add an entry to the BSD symbol table
// From stab.def (https://sites.uclouvain.be/SystInfo/usr/include/bits/stab.def.html):
| 00 - 1F are not dbx stab symbols |
| In most cases, the low bit is the EXTernal bit|
| 00 UNDEF | 02 ABS | 04 TEXT | 06 DATA |
| 01 |EXT | 03 |EXT | 05 |EXT | 07 |EXT |
| 08 BSS | 0A INDR | 0C FN_SEQ | 0E WEAKA |
| 09 |EXT | 0B | 0D WEAKU | 0F WEAKT |
| 10 WEAKD | 12 COMM | 14 SETA | 16 SETT |
| 11 WEAKB | 13 | 15 | 17 |
| 19 | 1B | 1D | 1F FN |
uint8_t * AddBSDSymEntry(uint8_t * buf, SYM * sym, int globflag)
chptr = buf; // Point to buffer for depositing longs
if (sym->sname)
D_long(strindx); // Deposit the symbol string index
D_long(0); // Deposit special NULL string index
uint16_t w1 = sym->sattr; // Obtain symbol attributes
uint32_t z = 0; // Initialize resulting symbol flags
if (sym->stype == DBGSYM)
// Debug symbols hard-code the a.out symbol type in the st_type field
// and can include additional type-specific data in the a.out symbol
// "other" and "description" fields, both packed into this same dword.
z = sym->st_type << 24;
z |= sym->st_other << 16;
z |= sym->st_desc;
// Translate rmac symbol attributes to an a.out symbol type.
if (w1 & EQUATED)
z = 0x02000000; // Set equated flag
// If a symbol is both EQUd and flagged as TBD then we let the latter
// take precedence. Otherwise the linker will not even bother trying to
// relocate the address during link time.
switch (w1 & TDB)
case TEXT: z = 0x04000000; break; // Set TEXT segment flag
case DATA: z = 0x06000000; break; // Set DATA segment flag
case BSS : z = 0x08000000; break; // Set BSS segment flag
if (globflag)
z |= 0x01000000; // Set global flag if requested
D_long(z); // Deposit symbol attribute
z = sym->svalue; // Obtain symbol value
if (w1 & (DATA | BSS))
z += sect[TEXT].sloc; // If DATA or BSS add TEXT segment size
if (w1 & BSS)
z += sect[DATA].sloc; // If BSS add DATA segment size
D_long(z); // Deposit symbol value
if (sym->sname)
strcpy(strtable + strindx, sym->sname);
strindx += strlen(sym->sname) + 1; // Incr string index incl null terminate
buf += 12; // Increment buffer to next record
symsize += 12; // Increment symbol table size
return buf;
// Add entry to ELF symbol table; if `globflag' is 1, make the symbol global
uint8_t * AddELFSymEntry(uint8_t * buf, SYM * sym, int globflag)
chptr = buf;
ch_size = 0;
D_long(strindx); // st_name
D_long(sym->svalue); // st_value
D_long(0); // st_size
uint8_t st_info = 0;
register WORD w1 = sym->sattr;
if (w1 & DEFINED)
if (globflag) // Export the symbol
st_info |= 16; // STB_GLOBAL (1<<4)
else if (w1 & (GLOBAL | REFERENCED))
st_info |= 16;
D_byte(0); // st_other
uint16_t st_shndx = SHN_ABS; // Assume absolute (equated) number
if (w1 & TEXT)
st_shndx = elfHdrNum[ES_TEXT];
else if (w1 & DATA)
st_shndx = elfHdrNum[ES_DATA];
else if (w1 & BSS)
st_shndx = elfHdrNum[ES_BSS];
else if (globflag && !(w1 & DEFINED) && (w1 & REFERENCED))
st_shndx = SHN_UNDEF;
} // If the symbol is global then probably we
// don't need to do anything (probably)
// since we set STB_GLOBAL in st_info above.
// Unless we need to set it to SHN_COMMON?
strcpy(strtable + strindx, sym->sname);
strindx += strlen(sym->sname) + 1; // Incr string index incl null terminate
symsize += 0x10; // Increment symbol table size
return buf + 0x10;
// Helper function for ELF output
int DepositELFSectionHeader(uint8_t * ptr, uint32_t name, uint32_t type, uint32_t flags, uint32_t addr, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint32_t link, uint32_t info, uint32_t addralign, uint32_t entsize)
chptr = ptr;
ch_size = 0;
return 40;
// Deposit an entry in the Section Header string table
uint32_t DepositELFSHSTEntry(uint8_t ** pTable, const uint8_t * s)
#ifdef DEBUG_ELF
printf("DepositELFSHSTEntry: s = \"%s\"\n", s);
uint32_t strSize = strlen(s);
strcpy(*pTable, s);
*pTable += strSize + 1;
return strSize + 1;
// Deposit a symbol table entry in the ELF Symbol Table
uint32_t DepositELFSymbol(uint8_t * ptr, uint32_t name, uint32_t addr, uint32_t size, uint8_t info, uint8_t other, uint16_t shndx)
chptr = ptr;
ch_size = 0;
*chptr++ = info;
*chptr++ = other;
return 16;
// Write an object file to the passed in file descriptor
// N.B.: Return value is ignored...
int WriteObject(int fd)
LONG tds; // TEXT & DATA segment size
int i; // Temporary int
CHUNK * cp; // Chunk (for gather)
uint8_t * buf; // Scratch area
uint8_t * p; // Temporary ptr
LONG trsize, drsize; // Size of relocations
uint32_t unused; // For supressing 'write' warnings
if (verb_flag)
printf("TEXT segment: %d bytes\n", sect[TEXT].sloc);
printf("DATA segment: %d bytes\n", sect[DATA].sloc);
printf("BSS segment: %d bytes\n", sect[BSS].sloc);
// Write requested object file...
if ((obj_format == BSD) || ((obj_format == ALCYON) && (prg_flag == 0)))
ch_size = 0;
// Force BSD format (if it was ALCYON format)
obj_format = BSD;
if (verb_flag)
printf("Total : %d bytes\n", sect[TEXT].sloc + sect[DATA].sloc + sect[BSS].sloc);
AssignSymbolNos(NULL, NULL); // Assign index numbers to the symbols
tds = sect[TEXT].sloc + sect[DATA].sloc; // Get size of TEXT and DATA segment
buf = malloc(0x800000); // Allocate 8MB object file image memory
if (buf == NULL)
error("cannot allocate object file memory (in BSD mode)");
return ERROR;
memset(buf, 0, 0x800000); // Clear allocated memory
objImage = buf; // Set global object image pointer
strtable = malloc(0x200000); // Allocate 2MB string table buffer
if (strtable == NULL)
error("cannot allocate string table memory (in BSD mode)");
return ERROR;
memset(strtable, 0, 0x200000); // Clear allocated memory
// Build object file header
chptr = buf; // Base of header (for D_foo macros)
ch_size = 0;
challoc = 0x800000;
D_long(0x00000107); // Magic number
D_long(sect[TEXT].sloc); // TEXT size
D_long(sect[DATA].sloc); // DATA size
D_long(sect[BSS].sloc); // BSS size
D_long(0x00000000); // Symbol size
D_long(0x00000000); // First entry (0L)
D_long(0x00000000); // TEXT relocation size
D_long(0x00000000); // DATA relocation size
// Construct TEXT and DATA segments (without relocation changes)
p = buf + BSDHDRSIZE;
for(i=TEXT; i<=DATA; i++)
for(cp=sect[i].sfcode; cp!=NULL; cp=cp->chnext)
memcpy(p, cp->chptr, cp->ch_size);
p += cp->ch_size;
// Do relocation tables (and make changes to segment data)
p = buf + BSDHDRSIZE + tds; // Move obj image ptr to reloc info
trsize = MarkBSDImage(p, tds, sect[TEXT].sloc, TEXT);// Do TEXT relocation table
chptr = buf + 0x18; // Point to relocation hdr entry
D_long(trsize); // Write the relocation table size
// Move obj image ptr to reloc info
p = buf + BSDHDRSIZE + tds + trsize;
drsize = MarkBSDImage(p, tds, sect[TEXT].sloc, DATA);// Do DATA relocation table
chptr = buf + 0x1C; // Point to relocation hdr entry
D_long(drsize); // Write the relocation table size
// Point to start of symbol table
p = buf + BSDHDRSIZE + tds + trsize + drsize;
AssignSymbolNos(p, AddBSDSymEntry); // Build symbol and string tables
chptr = buf + 0x10; // Point to sym table size hdr entry
D_long(symsize); // Write the symbol table size
// Point to string table
p = buf + BSDHDRSIZE + tds + trsize + drsize + symsize;
memcpy(p, strtable, strindx); // Copy string table to object image
chptr = p; // Point to string table size long
D_long(strindx); // Write string table size
// Write the BSD object file from the object image buffer
unused = write(fd, buf, BSDHDRSIZE + tds + trsize + drsize + symsize + strindx + 4);
if (verb_flag)
printf("TextRel size: %d bytes\n", trsize);
printf("DataRel size: %d bytes\n", drsize);
if (buf)
free(strtable); // Free allocated memory
free(buf); // Free allocated memory
else if (obj_format == ALCYON)
ch_size = 0;
if (verb_flag)
if (prg_flag)
printf("TOS header : 28 bytes\n");
printf("Total : %d bytes\n", sect[TEXT].sloc + sect[DATA].sloc + sect[BSS].sloc + (prg_flag ? 28 : 0));
// Assign index numbers to the symbols, get # of symbols (we assume
// that all symbols can potentially be extended, hence the x28)
// (To clarify: 28 bytes is the size of an extended symbol)
uint32_t symbolMaxSize = AssignSymbolNos(NULL, NULL) * 28;
// Alloc memory for header + text + data, symbol and relocation
// information construction.
tds = sect[TEXT].sloc + sect[DATA].sloc;
buf = malloc(HDRSIZE + tds + symbolMaxSize);
// Build object file header just before the text+data image
chptr = buf; // -> base of header
ch_size = 0;
challoc = HDRSIZE + tds + symbolMaxSize;
D_word(0x601A); // 00 - magic number
D_long(sect[TEXT].sloc); // 02 - TEXT size
D_long(sect[DATA].sloc); // 06 - DATA size
D_long(sect[BSS].sloc); // 0A - BSS size
D_long(0); // 0E - symbol table size (filled later)
D_long(0); // 12 - stack size (unused)
D_long(PRGFLAGS); // 16 - PRGFLAGS
D_word(0); // 1A - relocation information exists
// Construct text and data segments; fixup relocatable longs in .PRG
// mode; finally write the header + text + data
p = buf + HDRSIZE;
for(i=TEXT; i<=DATA; i++)
for(cp=sect[i].sfcode; cp!=NULL; cp=cp->chnext)
memcpy(p, cp->chptr, cp->ch_size);
p += cp->ch_size;
// Do a first pass on the Alcyon image, if in PRG mode
if (prg_flag)
MarkImage(buf + HDRSIZE, tds, sect[TEXT].sloc, 0);
// Construct symbol table and update the header entry, if necessary
if (prg_flag > 1)
// AssignSymbolNos with AddSymEntry updates symsize (stays 0 otherwise)
AssignSymbolNos(buf + HDRSIZE + tds, AddSymEntry);
chptr = buf + 0x0E; // Point to symbol table size entry
if (verb_flag)
printf("Symbol table: %d bytes\n", symsize);
// Write out the header + text & data + symbol table (if any)
unused = write(fd, buf, HDRSIZE + tds + symsize);
// Construct and write relocation information; the size of it changes if
// we're writing a RELMODed executable. N.B.: Destroys buffer!
tds = MarkImage(buf, tds, sect[TEXT].sloc, 1);
unused = write(fd, buf, tds);
else if (obj_format == ELF)
// Allocate 6MB object file image memory
buf = malloc(0x600000);
if (buf == NULL)
error("cannot allocate object file memory (in ELF mode)");
return ERROR;
memset(buf, 0, 0x600000);
objImage = buf; // Set global object image pointer
strtable = malloc(0x200000); // Allocate 2MB string table buffer
if (strtable == NULL)
error("cannot allocate string table memory (in ELF mode)");
return ERROR;
memset(strtable, 0, 0x200000);
// This is pretty much a first pass at this shite, so there's room for
// improvement. :-P
uint8_t headers[4 * 10 * 10]; // (DWORD * 10) = 1 hdr, 10 entries
int headerSize = 0;
uint8_t shstrtab[128]; // The section header string table proper
uint32_t shstTab[9]; // Index into shstrtab for strings
uint8_t * shstPtr = shstrtab; // Temp pointer
uint32_t shstSize = 0;
int numEntries = 4; // There are always at *least* 4 sections
int shstIndex = 1; // The section where the shstrtab lives
int elfSize = 0; // Size of the ELF object
// Clear the header numbers
memset(elfHdrNum, 0, 9 * sizeof(int));
// First step is to see what sections need to be made; we also
// construct the section header string table here at the same time.
shstTab[ES_NULL] = shstSize;
shstSize += DepositELFSHSTEntry(&shstPtr, "");
shstTab[ES_SHSTRTAB] = shstSize;
shstSize += DepositELFSHSTEntry(&shstPtr, ".shstrtab");
shstTab[ES_SYMTAB] = shstSize;
shstSize += DepositELFSHSTEntry(&shstPtr, ".symtab");
shstTab[ES_STRTAB] = shstSize;
shstSize += DepositELFSHSTEntry(&shstPtr, ".strtab");
if (sect[TEXT].sloc > 0)
elfHdrNum[ES_TEXT] = shstIndex;
shstTab[ES_TEXT] = shstSize;
shstSize += DepositELFSHSTEntry(&shstPtr, ".text");
if (sect[DATA].sloc > 0)
elfHdrNum[ES_DATA] = shstIndex;
shstTab[ES_DATA] = shstSize;
shstSize += DepositELFSHSTEntry(&shstPtr, ".data");
if (sect[BSS].sloc > 0)
elfHdrNum[ES_BSS] = shstIndex;
shstTab[ES_BSS] = shstSize;
shstSize += DepositELFSHSTEntry(&shstPtr, ".bss");
if (sect[TEXT].relocs > 0)
elfHdrNum[ES_RELATEXT] = shstIndex;
shstTab[ES_RELATEXT] = shstSize;
shstSize += DepositELFSHSTEntry(&shstPtr, ".relaTEXT");
if (sect[DATA].relocs > 0)
elfHdrNum[ES_RELADATA] = shstIndex;
shstTab[ES_RELADATA] = shstSize;
shstSize += DepositELFSHSTEntry(&shstPtr, ".relaDATA");
elfHdrNum[ES_SHSTRTAB] = shstIndex + 0;
elfHdrNum[ES_SYMTAB] = shstIndex + 1;
elfHdrNum[ES_STRTAB] = shstIndex + 2;
#ifdef DEBUG_ELF
printf("ELF shstrtab size: %i bytes. Entries:\n", shstSize);
for(int j=0; j<i; j++)
printf("\"%s\"\n", shstrtab + shstTab[j]);
// Construct ELF header
// If you want to make any sense out of this you'd better take a look
// at Executable and Linkable Format on Wikipedia.
chptr = buf;
ch_size = 0;
challoc = 0x600000;
D_long(0x7F454C46); // 00 - "<7F>ELF" Magic Number
D_byte(0x01); // 04 - 32 vs 64 (1 = 32, 2 = 64)
D_byte(0x02); // 05 - Endianness (1 = LE, 2 = BE)
D_byte(0x01); // 06 - Original version of ELF (set to 1)
D_byte(0x00); // 07 - Target OS ABI (0 = System V)
D_byte(0x00); // 08 - ABI Extra (unneeded)
D_byte(0x00); // 09 - Pad bytes
D_word(0x01); // 10 - ELF Type (1 = relocatable)
D_word(0x04); // 12 - Architecture (EM_68K = 4, Motorola M68K family)
D_long(0x01); // 14 - Version (1 = original ELF)
D_long(0x00); // 18 - Entry point virtual address (unneeded)
D_long(0x00); // 1C - Program header table offset (unneeded)
D_long(0x00); // 20 - Section header table offset (to be determined)
if (0)
// Specifically for 68000 CPU
D_long(0x01000000) // 24 - Processor-specific flags - EF_M68K_M68000
// CPUs other than 68000 (68020...)
D_long(0); // 24 - Processor-specific flags (ISA dependent)
D_word(0x0034); // 28 - ELF header size in bytes
D_word(0); // 2A - Program header table entry size
D_word(0); // 2C - Program header table entry count
D_word(0x0028); // 2E - Section header entry size - 40 bytes for ELF32
D_word(numEntries); // 30 - Section header table entry count
D_word(shstIndex); // 32 - Section header string table index
elfSize += 0x34;
// Deposit section header 0 (NULL)
headerSize += DepositELFSectionHeader(headers + headerSize, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
int textLoc = elfSize;
// Construct TEXT section, if any
if (sect[TEXT].sloc > 0)
headerSize += DepositELFSectionHeader(headers + headerSize, shstTab[ES_TEXT], 1, 6, 0, elfSize, sect[TEXT].sloc, 0, 0, largestAlign[0], 0);
for(CHUNK * cp=sect[TEXT].sfcode; cp!=NULL; cp=cp->chnext)
memcpy(buf + elfSize, cp->chptr, cp->ch_size);
elfSize += cp->ch_size;
// Pad for next section (LONG boundary)
elfSize = (elfSize + 3) & ~3;
int dataLoc = elfSize;
// Construct DATA section, if any
if (sect[DATA].sloc > 0)
headerSize += DepositELFSectionHeader(headers + headerSize, shstTab[ES_DATA], 1, 3, 0, elfSize, sect[DATA].sloc, 0, 0, largestAlign[1], 0);
for(CHUNK * cp=sect[DATA].sfcode; cp!=NULL; cp=cp->chnext)
memcpy(buf + elfSize, cp->chptr, cp->ch_size);
elfSize += cp->ch_size;
// Pad for next section (LONG boundary)
elfSize = (elfSize + 3) & ~3;
// Construct BSS section, if any
if (sect[BSS].sloc > 0)
headerSize += DepositELFSectionHeader(headers + headerSize, shstTab[ES_BSS], 8, 3, 0, elfSize, sect[BSS].sloc, 0, 0, largestAlign[2], 0);
int textrelLoc = headerSize;
// Add headers for relocated sections, if any...
if (sect[TEXT].relocs > 0)
headerSize += DepositELFSectionHeader(headers + headerSize, shstTab[ES_RELATEXT], 4, 0x00, 0, 0, 0, elfHdrNum[ES_SYMTAB], elfHdrNum[ES_TEXT], 4, 0x0C);
int datarelLoc = headerSize;
if (sect[DATA].relocs > 0)
headerSize += DepositELFSectionHeader(headers + headerSize, shstTab[ES_RELADATA], 4, 0x40, 0, 0, 0, elfHdrNum[ES_SYMTAB], elfHdrNum[ES_DATA], 4, 0x0C);
// Add shstrtab
headerSize += DepositELFSectionHeader(headers + headerSize, shstTab[ES_SHSTRTAB], 3, 0, 0, elfSize, shstSize, 0, 0, 1, 0);
memcpy(buf + elfSize, shstrtab, shstSize);
elfSize += shstSize;
// Pad for next section (LONG boundary)
elfSize = (elfSize + 3) & ~3;
// Add section headers
int headerLoc = elfSize;
chptr = buf + 0x20; // Set section header offset in ELF header
elfSize += (4 * 10) * numEntries;
// Add symbol table & string table
int symtabLoc = elfSize;
strindx = 0; // Make sure we start at the beginning...
elfSize += DepositELFSymbol(buf + elfSize, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
*strtable = 0;
extraSyms = 1;
if (sect[TEXT].sloc > 0)
elfSize += DepositELFSymbol(buf + elfSize, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, elfHdrNum[ES_TEXT]);
if (sect[DATA].sloc > 0)
elfSize += DepositELFSymbol(buf + elfSize, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, elfHdrNum[ES_DATA]);
if (sect[BSS].sloc > 0)
elfSize += DepositELFSymbol(buf + elfSize, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, elfHdrNum[ES_BSS]);
int numSymbols = AssignSymbolNosELF(buf + elfSize, AddELFSymEntry);
elfSize += numSymbols * 0x10;
// String table
int strtabLoc = elfSize;
memcpy(buf + elfSize, strtable, strindx);
elfSize += strindx;
// Pad for next section (LONG boundary)
elfSize = (elfSize + 3) & ~3;
headerSize += DepositELFSectionHeader(headers + headerSize, shstTab[ES_SYMTAB], 2, 0, 0, symtabLoc, (numSymbols + extraSyms) * 0x10, shstIndex + 2, firstglobal + extraSyms, 4, 0x10);
headerSize += DepositELFSectionHeader(headers + headerSize, shstTab[ES_STRTAB], 3, 0, 0, strtabLoc, strindx, 0, 0, 1, 0);
// Add relocation tables, if any (no need to align after these, they're
// already on DWORD boundaries)
if (sect[TEXT].relocs > 0)
uint32_t textrelSize = CreateELFRelocationRecord(buf + elfSize, buf + textLoc, TEXT);
// Deposit offset & size, now that we know them
chptr = headers + textrelLoc + 0x10;
elfSize += textrelSize;
if (sect[DATA].relocs > 0)
uint32_t datarelSize = CreateELFRelocationRecord(buf + elfSize, buf + dataLoc, DATA);
// Deposit offset & size, now that we know them
chptr = headers + datarelLoc + 0x10;
elfSize += datarelSize;
// Copy headers into the object
memcpy(buf + headerLoc, headers, headerSize);
// Finally, write out the object
unused = write(fd, buf, elfSize);
// Free allocated memory
if (buf)
else if (obj_format == XEX)
// Just write the object file
else if (obj_format == C64PRG)
// Just write the object file
else if (obj_format == P56 || obj_format == LOD)
// Allocate 6MB object file image memory
uint8_t * buf = malloc(0x600000);
if (buf == NULL)
return error("cannot allocate object file memory (in P56/LOD mode)");
memset(buf, 0, 0x600000); // Clear allocated memory
// Iterate through DSP ram buffers
chptr = buf; // -> base of header
ch_size = 0;
challoc = 0x600000;
if (obj_format == LOD)
// Write all the things \o/
unused = write(fd, buf, chptr - buf);
if (buf)
else if (obj_format == RAW)
if (!org68k_active && used_architectures & (!(M6502 | M56001P | M56001X | M56001Y | M56001L)))
return error("cannot output absolute binary without a starting address (.org or command line)");
if (used_architectures & M6502)
// Okay, this is not the best. But it'll have to do until we revamp things a bit with sections.
// Basically we assume that if raw output is requested and 6502 mode was switched on, nobody
// switched to other architectures. The combination doesn't make much sense anyway for now.
return 0;
// Alloc memory for text + data construction.
tds = sect[TEXT].sloc + sect[DATA].sloc;
buf = malloc(tds);
chptr = buf;
// Construct text and data segments; fixup relocatable longs;
// finally write the text + data
p = buf;
objImage = buf; // Set global object image pointer
for(i=TEXT; i<=DATA; i++)
for(cp=sect[i].sfcode; cp!=NULL; cp=cp->chnext)
memcpy(p, cp->chptr, cp->ch_size);
p += cp->ch_size;
if (MarkABSImage(buf, tds, sect[TEXT].sloc, TEXT) != OK) // Do TEXT relocation table
return ERROR;
if (MarkABSImage(buf, tds, sect[TEXT].sloc, DATA) != OK) // Do DATA relocation table
return ERROR;
// Write out the header + text & data + symbol table (if any)
unused = write(fd, buf, tds);
return 0;
static void WriteLOD(void)
D_printf("_START %s 0000 0000 0000 RMAC %01i.%01i.%01i\n\n", firstfname, MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH);
for(DSP_ORG * l=&dsp_orgmap[0]; l<dsp_currentorg; l++)
if (l->end != l->start)
switch (l->memtype)
case ORG_P: D_printf("_DATA P %.4X\n", l->orgadr); break;
case ORG_X: D_printf("_DATA X %.4X\n", l->orgadr); break;
case ORG_Y: D_printf("_DATA Y %.4X\n", l->orgadr); break;
case ORG_L: D_printf("_DATA L %.4X\n", l->orgadr); break;
error("Internal error: unknown DSP56001 org'd section");
CHUNK * cp = l->chunk;
uint8_t * p_chunk = l->start;
uint8_t * p_chunk_end = p_chunk;
uint32_t j = 0;
while (p_chunk_end != l->end)
if (l->end < (cp->chptr + cp->ch_size) && l->end > cp->chptr)
// If the end of the section is inside the current chunk, just dump everything and stop
p_chunk_end = l->end;
// If the end of the section is not inside the current chunk, just dump everything from the current chunk and move on to the next
p_chunk_end = cp->chptr + cp->ch_size;
uint32_t count = (uint32_t)(p_chunk_end - p_chunk);
for(uint32_t i=0; i<count; i+=3)
if ((j & 7) != 7)
D_printf("%.6X ", (((p_chunk[0] << 8) | p_chunk[1]) << 8) | p_chunk[2]);
D_printf("%.6X\n", (((p_chunk[0] << 8) | p_chunk[1]) << 8) | p_chunk[2]);
p_chunk += 3;
cp = cp->chnext; // Advance chunk
if (cp != NULL)
p_chunk = cp->chptr; // Set dump pointer to start of this chunk
if ((j & 7) != 0)
// Dump the symbol table into the buf
D_printf("\n_END %.4X\n", dsp_orgmap[0].orgadr);
static void WriteP56(void)
for(DSP_ORG * l=&dsp_orgmap[0]; l<dsp_currentorg; l++)
if (l->end == l->start)
if ((l->memtype < ORG_P) || (l->memtype > ORG_L))
error("Internal error: unknown DSP56001 org'd section");
CHUNK * cp = l->chunk;
uint8_t * p_chunk = l->start;
uint8_t * p_chunk_end = p_chunk;
// Memory type (P, X, Y or L)
// Chunk start address (in DSP words)
// Chunk length (in DSP words)
// We'll fill this field after we write the chunk so we can calculate
// how long it is (so if the chunk is split into different CHUNKs we
// can deal with this during copy)
uint8_t * p_buf_len = chptr;
chptr += 3;
// The chunk itself
uint32_t chunk_size = 0;
while (p_chunk_end != l->end)
if (l->end < (cp->chptr + cp->ch_size) && l->end > cp->chptr)
// If the end of the section is inside the current chunk, just
// dump everything and stop
p_chunk_end = l->end;
// If the end of the section is not inside the current chunk,
// just dump everything from the current chunk and move on to
// the next
p_chunk_end = cp->chptr + cp->ch_size;
uint32_t current_chunk_size = p_chunk_end - p_chunk;
chunk_size += current_chunk_size;
memcpy(chptr, p_chunk, current_chunk_size);
chptr += current_chunk_size;
cp = cp->chnext; // Advance chunk
if (cp != NULL)
p_chunk = cp->chptr; // Set dump pointer to start of this chunk
// Now we can mark the chunk's length (DSP word size is 24-bits, so
// the byte count needs to be divided by 3)
SETBE24(p_buf_len, chunk_size / 3);