
622 lines
14 KiB

// RMAC - Renamed Macro Assembler for all Atari computers
// 6502.C - 6502 Assembler
// Copyright (C) 199x Landon Dyer, 2011-2021 Reboot and Friends
// RMAC derived from MADMAC v1.07 Written by Landon Dyer, 1986
// Source utilised with the kind permission of Landon Dyer
// Init6502 initialization
// d_6502 handle ".6502" directive
// m6502cg generate code for a 6502 mnemonic
// d_org handle 6502 section's ".org" directive
// m6502obj generate 6502 object file
#include "direct.h"
#include "expr.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "mach.h"
#include "procln.h"
#include "riscasm.h"
#include "rmac.h"
#include "sect.h"
#include "token.h"
#define DEF_REG65
#define DECL_REG65
#include "6502regs.h"
#define UPSEG_SIZE 0x10010L // size of 6502 code buffer, 64K+16bytes
// Internal vars
static uint16_t orgmap[1024][2]; // Mark all 6502 org changes
// Exported vars
const char in_6502mode[] = "directive illegal in .6502 section";
uint16_t * currentorg = &orgmap[0][0]; // Current org range
char strtoa8[128]; // ASCII to Atari 800 internal conversion table
// 6502 addressing modes;
#define A65_ABS 0
#define A65_ABSX 1
#define A65_ABSY 2
#define A65_IMPL 3
#define A65_IMMED 4
#define A65_INDX 5
#define A65_INDY 6
#define A65_IND 7
#define A65_REL 8
#define A65_ZP 9
#define A65_ZPX 10
#define A65_ZPY 11
#define A65_IMMEDH 12
#define A65_IMMEDL 13
#define NMACHOPS 56 // Number of machine ops
#define NMODES 14 // Number of addressing modes
#define NOP 0xEA // 6502 NOP instruction
#define ILLEGAL 0xFF // 'Illegal instr' marker
#define END65 0xFF // End-of-an-instr-list
static char imodes[] =
A65_IMMED, 0x69, A65_ABS, 0x6D, A65_ZP, 0x65, A65_INDX, 0x61, A65_INDY, 0x71,
A65_ZPX, 0x75, A65_ABSX, 0x7D, A65_ABSY, 0x79, END65,
A65_IMMED, 0x29, A65_ABS, 0x2D, A65_ZP, 0x25, A65_INDX, 0x21, A65_INDY, 0x31,
A65_ZPX, 0x35, A65_ABSX, 0x3D, A65_ABSY, 0x39, END65,
A65_ABS, 0x0E, A65_ZP, 0x06, A65_IMPL, 0x0A, A65_ZPX, 0x16, A65_ABSX,
0x1E, END65,
A65_REL, 0x90, END65,
A65_REL, 0xB0, END65,
A65_REL, 0xF0, END65,
A65_REL, 0xD0, END65,
A65_REL, 0x30, END65,
A65_REL, 0x10, END65,
A65_REL, 0x50, END65,
A65_REL, 0x70, END65,
A65_ABS, 0x2C, A65_ZP, 0x24, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0x00, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0x18, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0xD8, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0x58, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0xB8, END65,
A65_IMMED, 0xC9, A65_ABS, 0xCD, A65_ZP, 0xC5, A65_INDX, 0xC1, A65_INDY, 0xD1,
A65_ZPX, 0xD5, A65_ABSX, 0xDD, A65_ABSY, 0xD9, END65,
A65_IMMED, 0xE0, A65_ABS, 0xEC, A65_ZP, 0xE4, END65,
A65_IMMED, 0xC0, A65_ABS, 0xCC, A65_ZP, 0xC4, END65,
A65_ABS, 0xCE, A65_ZP, 0xC6, A65_ZPX, 0xD6, A65_ABSX, 0xDE, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0xCA, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0x88, END65,
A65_IMMED, 0x49, A65_ABS, 0x4D, A65_ZP, 0x45, A65_INDX, 0x41, A65_INDY, 0x51,
A65_ZPX, 0x55, A65_ABSX, 0x5D, A65_ABSY, 0x59, END65,
A65_ABS, 0xEE, A65_ZP, 0xE6, A65_ZPX, 0xF6, A65_ABSX, 0xFE, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0xE8, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0xC8, END65,
A65_ABS, 0x4C, A65_IND, 0x6C, END65,
A65_ABS, 0x20, END65,
A65_IMMED, 0xA9, A65_ABS, 0xAD, A65_ZP, 0xA5, A65_INDX, 0xA1, A65_INDY, 0xB1,
A65_ZPX, 0xB5, A65_ABSX, 0xBD, A65_ABSY, 0xB9, A65_IMMEDH, 0xA9, A65_IMMEDL, 0xA9, END65,
A65_IMMED, 0xA2, A65_ABS, 0xAE, A65_ZP, 0xA6, A65_ABSY, 0xBE,
A65_ZPY, 0xB6, A65_IMMEDH, 0xA2, A65_IMMEDL, 0xA2, END65,
A65_IMMED, 0xA0, A65_ABS, 0xAC, A65_ZP, 0xA4, A65_ZPX, 0xB4,
A65_ABSX, 0xBC, A65_IMMEDH, 0xA0, A65_IMMEDL, 0xA0, END65,
A65_ABS, 0x4E, A65_ZP, 0x46, A65_IMPL, 0x4A, A65_ZPX, 0x56,
A65_ABSX, 0x5E, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0xEA, END65,
A65_IMMED, 0x09, A65_ABS, 0x0D, A65_ZP, 0x05, A65_INDX, 0x01, A65_INDY, 0x11,
A65_ZPX, 0x15, A65_ABSX, 0x1D, A65_ABSY, 0x19, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0x48, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0x08, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0x68, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0x28, END65,
A65_ABS, 0x2E, A65_ZP, 0x26, A65_IMPL, 0x2A, A65_ZPX, 0x36,
A65_ABSX, 0x3E, END65,
A65_ABS, 0x6E, A65_ZP, 0x66, A65_IMPL, 0x6A, A65_ZPX, 0x76,
A65_ABSX, 0x7E, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0x40, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0x60, END65,
A65_IMMED, 0xE9, A65_ABS, 0xED, A65_ZP, 0xE5, A65_INDX, 0xE1, A65_INDY, 0xF1,
A65_ZPX, 0xF5, A65_ABSX, 0xFD, A65_ABSY, 0xF9, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0x38, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0xF8, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0x78, END65,
A65_ABS, 0x8D, A65_ZP, 0x85, A65_INDX, 0x81, A65_INDY, 0x91, A65_ZPX, 0x95,
A65_ABSX, 0x9D, A65_ABSY, 0x99, END65,
A65_ABS, 0x8E, A65_ZP, 0x86, A65_ZPY, 0x96, END65,
A65_ABS, 0x8C, A65_ZP, 0x84, A65_ZPX, 0x94, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0xAA, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0xA8, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0xBA, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0x8A, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0x9A, END65,
A65_IMPL, 0x98, END65
static char ops[NMACHOPS][NMODES]; // Opcodes
static unsigned char inf[NMACHOPS][NMODES]; // Construction info
// Absolute-to-zeropage translation table
static int abs2zp[] =
A65_ZP, // ABS
A65_ZPX, // ABSX
A65_ZPY, // ABSY
-1, // IMPL
-1, // IMMED
-1, // INDX
-1, // INDY
-1, // IND
-1, // REL
-1, // ZP
-1, // ZPX
-1 // ZPY
static char a8internal[] =
' ', 0, '!', 1, '"', 2, '#', 3, '$', 4, '%', 5, '&', 6, '\'', 7,
'(', 8, ')', 9, '*', 10, '+', 11, ',', 12, '-', 13, '.', 14, '/', 15,
'0', 16, '1', 17, '2', 18, '3', 19, '4', 20, '5', 21, '6', 22, '7', 23,
'8', 24, '9', 25, ':', 26, ';', 27, '<', 28, '=', 29, '>', 30, '?', 31,
'@', 32, 'A', 33, 'B', 34, 'C', 35, 'D', 36, 'E', 37, 'F', 38, 'G', 39,
'H', 40, 'I', 41, 'J', 42, 'K', 43, 'L', 44, 'M', 45, 'N', 46, 'O', 47,
'P', 48, 'Q', 49, 'R', 50, 'S', 51, 'T', 52, 'U', 53, 'V', 54, 'W', 55,
'X', 56, 'Y', 57, 'Z', 58, '[', 59, '\\', 60, ']', 61, '^', 62, '_', 63,
'a', 97, 'b', 98, 'c', 99, 'd', 100, 'e', 101, 'f', 102, 'g', 103, 'h', 104,
'i', 105, 'j', 106, 'k', 107, 'l', 108, 'm', 109, 'n', 110, 'o', 111, 'p', 112,
'q', 113, 'r', 114, 's', 115, 't', 116, 'u', 117, 'v', 118, 'w', 119, 'x', 120,
'y', 121, 'z', 122
// Initialize 6502 assembler
void Init6502()
register int i;
register int j;
register char * s = imodes;
// Set all instruction slots to illegal
for(i=0; i<NMACHOPS; i++)
for(j=0; j<NMODES; j++)
inf[i][j] = ILLEGAL;
// Uncompress legal instructions into their slots
for(i=0; i<NMACHOPS; i++)
j = *s & 0xFF;
inf[i][j] = *s;
ops[i][j] = s[1];
/* hack A65_REL mode */
if (*s == A65_REL)
inf[i][A65_ABS] = A65_REL;
ops[i][A65_ABS] = s[1];
inf[i][A65_ZP] = A65_REL;
ops[i][A65_ZP] = s[1];
while (*(s += 2) != (char)END65);
// Set up first org section (set to zero)
orgmap[0][0] = 0;
SwitchSection(M6502); // Switch to 6502 section
// Initialise string conversion table(s)
char * p = a8internal;
memset(strtoa8, 31, 128); // 31=fallback value ("?")
for(; p<a8internal+sizeof(a8internal); p+=2)
strtoa8[p[0]] = p[1];
if (challoc == 0)
// Allocate and clear 64K of space for the 6502 section
memset(sect[M6502].scode->chptr, 0, UPSEG_SIZE);
SwitchSection(TEXT); // Go back to TEXT
// .6502 --- enter 6502 mode
int d_6502()
SaveSection(); // Save curent section
SwitchSection(M6502); // Switch to 6502 section
regbase = reg65base; // Update register DFA tables
regtab = reg65tab;
regcheck = reg65check;
regaccept = reg65accept;
used_architectures |= M6502;
return 0;
// Do 6502 code generation
void m6502cg(int op)
register int amode; // (Parsed) addressing mode
uint64_t eval = -1; // Expression value
WORD eattr = 0; // Expression attributes
int zpreq = 0; // 1 = optimize instr to zero-page form
ch_size = 0; // Reset chunk size on every instruction
// Parse 6502 addressing mode
switch (tok[0])
case EOL:
amode = A65_IMPL;
case REG65_A:
if (tok[1] != EOL)
goto badmode;
amode = A65_IMPL;
case '#':
if (*tok == '>')
amode = A65_IMMEDH;
else if (*tok == '<')
amode = A65_IMMEDL;
amode = A65_IMMED;
if (expr(exprbuf, &eval, &eattr, NULL) < 0)
case '(':
if (expr(exprbuf, &eval, &eattr, NULL) < 0)
if (*tok == ')')
// (foo) or (foo),y
if (*++tok == ',')
// (foo),y
amode = A65_INDY;
if (tok[0] != REG65_Y)
goto badmode;
amode = A65_IND;
else if ((tok[0] == ',') && (tok[1] == REG65_X) && (tok[2] == ')'))
// (foo,x)
tok += 3;
amode = A65_INDX;
goto badmode;
// I'm guessing that the form of this is @<expr>(X) or @<expr>(Y), which
// I've *never* seen before. :-/
case '@':
if (expr(exprbuf, &eval, &eattr, NULL) < 0)
if (*tok == '(')
if ((tok[1] != ')') || (tok[2] != EOL))
goto badmode;
if (tok[0] == REG65_X)
amode = A65_INDX;
else if (tok[0] == REG65_Y)
amode = A65_INDY;
goto badmode;
tok += 2;
zpreq = 1; // Request zeropage optimization
else if (*tok == EOL)
amode = A65_IND;
goto badmode;
// <expr>
// <expr>,x
// <expr>,y
if (expr(exprbuf, &eval, &eattr, NULL) < 0)
zpreq = 1; // Request zeropage optimization
if (tok[0] == EOL)
amode = A65_ABS;
else if (tok[0] == ',')
if (tok[0] == REG65_X)
amode = A65_ABSX;
else if (tok[0] == REG65_Y)
amode = A65_ABSY;
goto badmode;
error("bad 6502 addressing mode");
// Optimize ABS modes to zero-page when possible
// o ZPX or ZPY is illegal, or
// o expr is zeropage && zeropageRequest && expression is defined
if ((inf[op][amode] == ILLEGAL) // If current op is illegal OR
|| (zpreq // amode requested a zero-page optimize
&& (eval < 0x100) // and expr is zero-page
&& (eattr & DEFINED))) // and the expression is defined
int i = abs2zp[amode]; // Get zero-page translation of amode
#ifdef DO_DEBUG
DEBUG printf(" OPT: op=%d amode=%d i=%d inf[op][i]=%d\n",
op, amode, i, inf[op][i]);
if (i >= 0 && (inf[op][i] & 0xFF) != ILLEGAL) // & use it if it's legal
amode = i;
#ifdef DO_DEBUG
DEBUG printf("6502: op=%d amode=%d ", op, amode);
DEBUG printf("inf[op][amode]=%d\n", (int)inf[op][amode]);
switch (inf[op][amode])
case A65_IMPL: // Just leave the instruction
case A65_IMMEDH:
if (!(eattr & DEFINED))
AddFixup(FU_BYTEH, sloc, exprbuf);
eval = 0;
eval = (eval >> 8) & 0xFF; // Bring high byte to low
D_byte(eval); // Deposit byte following instr
case A65_IMMEDL:
if (!(eattr & DEFINED))
AddFixup(FU_BYTEL, sloc, exprbuf);
eval = 0;
eval = eval & 0xFF; // Mask high byte
D_byte(eval); // Deposit byte following instr
case A65_IMMED:
case A65_INDX:
case A65_INDY:
case A65_ZP:
case A65_ZPX:
case A65_ZPY:
if (!(eattr & DEFINED))
AddFixup(FU_BYTE, sloc, exprbuf);
eval = 0;
else if (eval + 0x100 >= 0x200)
eval = 0;
D_byte(eval); // Deposit byte following instr
case A65_REL:
if (eattr & DEFINED)
eval -= (sloc + 1);
if (eval + 0x80 >= 0x100)
eval = 0;
AddFixup(FU_6BRA, sloc, exprbuf);
case A65_ABS:
case A65_ABSX:
case A65_ABSY:
case A65_IND:
if (!(eattr & DEFINED))
AddFixup(FU_WORD, sloc, exprbuf);
eval = 0;
// Deposit 3 NOPs for illegal things (why 3? why not 30? or zero?)
error("illegal 6502 addressing mode");
// Check for overflow of code region
if (sloc > 0x10000L)
fatal("6502 code pointer > 64K");
// Generate 6502 object output file.
// ggn: Converted to COM/EXE/XEX output format
void m6502obj(int ofd)
uint8_t header[4];
CHUNK * ch = sect[M6502].scode;
// If no 6502 code was generated, bail out
if ((ch == NULL) || (ch->challoc == 0))
register uint8_t * p = ch->chptr;
// Write out mandatory $FFFF header
header[0] = header[1] = 0xFF;
uint32_t unused = write(ofd, header, 2);
for(uint16_t * l=&orgmap[0][0]; l<currentorg; l+=2)
SETLE16(header, 0, l[0]);
SETLE16(header, 2, l[1] - 1);
// Write header for segment
unused = write(ofd, header, 4);
// Write the segment data
unused = write(ofd, p + l[0], l[1] - l[0]);
// Write raw 6502 org'd code.
// Super copypasta'd from above function
void m6502raw(int ofd)
CHUNK * ch = sect[M6502].scode;
// If no 6502 code was generated, bail out
if ((ch == NULL) || (ch->challoc == 0))
register uint8_t *p = ch->chptr;
for(uint16_t * l=&orgmap[0][0]; l<currentorg; l+=2)
// Write the segment data
uint32_t unused = write(ofd, p + l[0], l[1] - l[0]);
// Generate a C64 .PRG output file
void m6502c64(int ofd)
uint8_t header[2];
CHUNK * ch = sect[M6502].scode;
// If no 6502 code was generated, bail out
if ((ch == NULL) || (ch->challoc == 0))
if (currentorg != &orgmap[1][0])
// More than one 6502 section created, this is not allowed
error("when generating C64 .PRG files only one org section is allowed - aborting");
SETLE16(header, 0, orgmap[0][0]);
register uint8_t * p = ch->chptr;
// Write header
uint32_t unused = write(ofd, header, 2);
// Write the data
unused = write(ofd, p + orgmap[0][0], orgmap[0][1] - orgmap[0][0]);